After data showed that COVID-19 cases were on the rise amongst Montana college students returning to the state after the summer break, two of our public healthcare clients joined forces to tackle the problem. After some research, we found that concern over contracting the virus was low amongst younger people, so they were less likely to wear masks.
Our solution was to create a social media ad campaign that drove traffic to an information-rich website. The website targeted Montana’s younger demographic, informing them that one of the benefits of mask-wearing is to protect someone else from catching your illness.

We created social media ads with visually captivating sayings about wearing masks. The ads drove visitors to a landing page that broke down the CDC guidelines into easily digestible chunks of information. Other local PSAs had taken a heavy approach to pandemic-related messaging. Considering our demographic, we felt a more playful tone would be the most effective route. Phrases like “keep your virus to yourself” achieved the goal of being approachable while informing the viewer of the mask’s primary role.
As a whole, our campaign reminded people that they can be an effective force in our state’s fight against COVID-19.
We were honored to receive a Communicator Award of Excellence, their highest distinction, for the Mask MT campaign and website.

The landing page for the social media campaign featured short, easy to understand facts about the benefits of wearing a mask.

The state of Montana’s western border closely resembles the profile of a human face, lending itself to a clever graphic of the state wearing a mask.